Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Soul Beam
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What is it?

A six week group coaching container to catalyse your capacity to create and transform yourself and the world.

Why does it matter?

'It is our love of life that will save the world, not our fear of destruction.' - Anodea Judith

We are living in times of crisis. The climate crisis. The refugee crisis. The mental health crisis. The cost of living crisis. And, underpinning all of these, the crisis of leadership and the crisis of morality we see playing out across the world stage. 

Now, more than ever, we must each remember who we truly are and what our greatest contribution in this life can be - we need everybody’s unique creative genius at play to co-create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible. 

Soulful leadership is about getting clarity on the unique contribution that only you can make, and then offering that wholeheartedly in service of creating a more beautiful, consensual, liberated and integrated society.

The Call

The way we are being ‘led’ is missing a vital dimension - attendance to and appreciation for core the human values of truth, beauty, freedom & love. For, if we are not being led towards that which is most sacred, most meaningful, most deep & abiding in life, then we are being led astray. 

Any leadership that perpetuates paradigms of division, domination and control, is leading us astray… 

When the sanctity of life is being violated, true leadership involves saying a firm and resounding NO to that which seeks to extract, exploit, violate, dominate or manipulate life. (Both in the world and inside ourselves.) And saying an emphatic and resounding YES to possibility, creativity, imagination, joy, beauty and the sacred. (Both in the world and inside ourselves.)

That doesn’t mean that life will always be full of those things, but choosing to live close to them means that in times of great challenge we are able to say YES to life. YES to the possibility of change, adaptation, growth and transformation; YES to the possibility of emergence, learning, and all the things we have yet to feel, see and experience. Because we have something worth living for and living in service to.

And this is really the point. Soulful leaders live in service to something beyond their own self interest. 

They are clear on their values and they strive to cultivate them in themselves and the world. 

They are firmly anchored in their beliefs. 

They are aware of their gifts and their limitations. 

They are humble and able to ask for help

They are in tune with their heads, hearts, guts and wombs

They take responsibility for the impact they have in the world. 

Their hearts are wide open. 

They let the world touch them. 

So courageous are they in their compassion that they will always speak up against abuses of power that threaten to dominate and violate the sanctity of life. 

In this sense, they are guardians of the true and the beautiful. And they are warriors fighting for joy and freedom. But above all, above all, they are lovers.

Join me to explore what authentic, courageous, heartfelt leadership means to you.


What to expect:

We will meet weekly on Monday evenings via zoom. The structure of the journey is as follows:

Week 1: Laying the foundations, exploring the terrain. 

What is leadership? What is soulful leadership? Why does it matter? And how can we embody it? Meditation, visualisation, discussion and enquiry questions to help you land in the container and connect to why you’re here. 

Week 2: Awakening your passion, stirring your soul

Let our passion be the seed of our actions. In this session, we will look to beauty and the sacred as core motivators in a life of service; enquiring into where we find joy and meaning in life and connecting to the feeling of pleasure and flow through embodiment exercises. 

Week 3: Telling your story, tending your wounds

We’ll take a deep look at your journey through life… The moments of challenge and initiation. How you adapted to survive. The things you've loved and lost. Your greatest achievements and biggest grievances… the turning points; the breakthroughs; the game-changing encounters… what has marked you and made you who you are.

Week 4: Confronting your shadows, disarming your heart

We'll go to the places where it hurts, and recognise the defence mechanisms and compensation strategies you've created and perpetuated to avoid your pain. We’ll enquire into the narratives and limiting beliefs you're carrying, and work with EFT to release old patterns and begin new ones. 

Week 5: Harvesting your gold, clarifying your vision

Having enquired deeply into what has moved you and changed you and continues to set your heart ablaze, you will be guided through enquiry and writing exercises to crystalise your own leadership manifesto.

Week 6: Declaring your truth and your mission as a soulful leader

An opportunity for you to witness and be witnessed by your peers in the declaration of your mission and vision as a soulful leader. 


This program will help you to:

  • Connect to your highest values and most authentic desires
  • Commit to living in service of these things
  • Understand your gifts and your wounds and the relationship between them
  • Articulate your journey and your leadership mission
  • Find a community of like-minded people devoted to creating a more beautiful world

We will be exploring:

  • The current leadership paradigm & the ways you have distorted your sense of power to fit into it 
  • Your journey of initiation in life & what it reveals about your unique gifts & insights 
  • The relationship between suffering and meaning 
  • The qualities of soulful leadership - which ones come most & least naturally to you and how this is related to your gifts and wounds
  • Your compensation strategies and the shadow leadership qualities you may fall into 
  • Your values and leadership mission - the contribution only you can make to the world.

Who I am:


I am a psycho-spiritual coach & facilitator. In my coaching work with individuals and groups, I focus on connection to and expression of soul essence, drawing on a range of wisdom and techniques to help people answer the questions, ‘Who am I? Why am I here? & Where am I going?’ in a way that is dynamic and creative. Ultimately I am interested in consciousness, and the human capacity to create and transform.

Relevant education, training & experience:

  • MA - Psychosynthesis Leadership & Organisational Coaching (in progress)
  • PG Cert - Psychosynthesis Leadership Coaching
  • MA - Applied Imagination in the Creative Industries - Central St Martins
  • BA Hons - History of Art & Visual Cultures - Goldsmiths
  • Introduction to Shamanic Practise - The Sacred Trust
  • 12 Years practise Vedic meditation and study of Vedic philosophy
  • EFT Levels 1&2 - practitioner training 

For more information check out: and


What people are saying:

‘Extraordinary revealing!! Really well directed to dig inwards to discover your higher self, and put it in the picture where to head up to. Lovely and skilled coach!!  - Macu Moma, Create the Life you Desire workshop participant

'Bonny is an incredibly smart and intuitive coach with a multilayered approach, dancing between the worlds of classic psychology, mythic poetic symbology, and somatic experience with expert flair that results in a coaching that feels both grounded and mystical'. - Gaia Harvey-Jackson, One to one coaching

'Bonny held the space with real care and clarity, sharing all sorts of wisdom from the world of psycho-spirituality that was both informative and playful.  Her meditations and visualisations were wonderful, completely transporting me to other dimensions with her beautiful, dulcet tones! Overall, the journey proved to be deeply inspiring, activating and downright juicy!' - Isla McCloud, Soul Play course participant 

‘A truly beautiful, life changing experience.’ - Laura Coppin, Sacred Embers retreat participant

'The work we have done together has been life changing. Bonny’s playful and enlightening techniques of dealing with the different layers of my personality meant that even the dark, ugly traits became more approachable and I was able to understand and honour them. I now feel as though now I can deal with life and the many curve balls that it likes to throws with a calm, clear grounded sensibility'. - Zoe Wellman, One to one coaching


REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

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This event started over 1 year ago

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