5 Rhythms Wave: with Ajay Rajani

Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity 5 Rhythms Waves
Facebook event
Enquiries to ajay8373@hotmail.com
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5 Rhythms Wave is going online!

Waves is the first and fundamental map of the 5Rhythms® dynamic movement practice. It¹s a map to set us free to explore the rhythms of flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness. Movement is both the medicine and the metaphor, reaching across all languages, cultures and age groups to transform suffering into art, art into awareness, and awareness into action. We dance to realign body, heart and mind. We re-member body and soul, and to reconnect body to spirit, flesh to breath. We dance to become one.

This 90min workshop is for newcomers and experienced students, offering both basic instruction and the opportunity to dance your own dance with the 5Rhythms Wave in your own home.

Zoom Doors close at 7:30, latecomers may not be admitted.

About the Facilitator

Ajay Rajani is an accredited teacher of the 5Rhythms who trained with Jonathan Horan, son of Gabrielle Roth, in 2014. Ajay was born in Africa with Indian roots and grew up in London, England where he thrives in a diverse, multicultural community speaking five international languages. His spiritual journey began over a decade ago with a strong practice of seated meditation and this continues to inform his 5Rhythms teaching where he inspires embodying the moment and allowing your body to be your greatest teacher.

*Ajay is a certified and accredited member of the 5Rhythms Teachers Association. All class and workshops hours with Ajay count towards 5Rhythms Teacher Training Waves prerequisites.


"Ajay holds an amazing space, really taking the time to ensure everyone gets the best out of their Five Rhythms experience...I highly recommend his class as he really is someone you can relate to on a human level. Beautifully and intuitively chosen playlist too!"
Eve (5R dancer)

"Awesome teacher with the perfect balance of focused teaching and free expression.... great tunes too!"
Rich (5R Teacher)

"Absolutely love dancing with Ajay! Deep open integrative teachings with incredible soundscapes held in genuine compassion for dancers and the practice. Creates a safe space giving full permission to go deeply into each and every rhythm. Loving those wild sonic journeys and tunes."
Clare (5R dancer)


To join this event you’ll need to create a free zoom account which you can set up here: https://zoom.us 

Instructions on how to join the call will be included in your confirmation email 


EVENT TIMES: 7-8:30pm - London, UK (GMT+1)



ENQUIRIES: ajay8373@hotmail.com

REFUNDS: Please note that we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. We welcome swapping or reselling your tickets with people you know or via Ticket Swap

ACCESS: This event relies on seeing and may not be suitable for the visually impaired. Our UK events are intended for a sober audience. We kindly ask you to respect this request.

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REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

For PSYCHEDELIC KNOWLEDGE AND RESOURCES please check out the Psychedelic Society website

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