Bristol Women's Circle

intimacy identity and connection womens circle bristol
Hosted by True Nature
Activity Bristol Sisters and Siblings Circle
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A woman's circle is a space to come home, home to a community of like-minded sisters, to the earth that supports us and to the fullest expression of yourself. 

Sister - welcome home! 

The theme for our first circle will be 'The sister wound and routes back to sisterhood.'

By unravelling some of the shitty conditioning patriarchal messaging has had on our relationships with other women, we can co-create a new paradigm of badass women unapologetically supporting each other!

What to expect: meditation, self-reflection, sharing, creative expression, embodiment exercises,  celebration, ritual and play. 

*This space is open to all women: cis, trans and non-binary folks resonating with the gender identity of woman. If you have any questions regarding our inclusion policy, please don't hesitate to ask.


This will be a held space where you will be supported to reflect on your life and share the fruits of your wisdom. 
We will then listen to the insights of others and weave a tapestry of collective learning to support each other grow. 

Using ceremony and ritual, we will shed unhelpful patterns releasing what no longer serves us and making space to manifest the lives we deserve! 

We will celebrate each other and our wins. 

We will dance and howl and expand our capacities to be with the wisdom held in the felt sense of our bodies. 

This is a space where all of you is welcome: your grief, joy, silence, silliness, seriousness, and play. Your boundaries will be encouraged and respected here. Importantly everything we do will always and only be an invitation. 

We will meet regularly on the first Thursday of each month. So whether you have been to countless circles before or this is your first one, we extend to you the warmest of welcomes and dare you to taste the magic a community of women supporting each other can have in your life!



While this work may have therapeutic benefits, this is not therapy or a replacement for therapy. If you are experiencing significant mental health challenges we strongly encourage you to seek 1-1 support from a qualified psychotherapist. 

Some of the content shared by participants may of a triggering or traumatic nature. This circle is designed to create a space for us to be open and honest with each other about experiences, and through this healing is possible.

While we do our best to create an environment that feels safe and inclusive, it is your responsibility to look after your own needs and boundaries. If this is something you struggle with, or you are concerned about any element of this retreat please contact us in advance.

If you would like to attend the circle but the cost of the ticket is a genuine barrier, please contact the facilitator.


About Your Facilitator

Rosie Watson

Rosie is the founder of Kindred routes. She is a creative facilitator and poet, harnessing conscious community and quality time in nature as routes to health, happiness, and connection with all Kin. 

Rosie has facilitated women's circles and community rituals for over two years and is a Shinrin Yoku (forest bathing) guide. Her studies in politics, permaculture, feminism, Somatic Experiencing, animism and tantra weave into all the spaces she holds. She is interested in nurturing the flame of inner transformation to benefit the lives of all living Kin. 

Find her work and writing at @kindredroutes

Select tickets

This event started about 1 year ago

Supporter £20
Standard £15
Low Income £10
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