Rest and Reset - the art of stillness in motion

online wellbeing art self expression sacred sound emotional healing expression and creativity embodiment expression and creativity intuitive art mental health art therapy self care meditation self discovery
Hosted by Art Healing with Zaira
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Rest and Reset - the art of stillness in motion 

We humans have lost the wisdom of genuinely resting and relaxing. We worry too much. We don’t allow our bodies to heal, and we don’t allow our minds and hearts to heal. Thich Nhat Hanh


Life is full. We’re busy juggling all the things, shoulds and have-to’s to function in this modern world; work, family, relationships, obligations, commitments and expectations. It’s a never-ending cycle of productively, rushing, and un/organised chaos. 


This 90 minute online space is an invitation for you to experience the art of stillness in motion. 

Come as you are.

Take this time to nourish yourself.

Connect with your body, heart and soul. 

Be with whatever is unfolding in your life at this moment.  

Listen to the calls of your intuition. 

Awaken and express your creativity.

Allow the energy of rest to replenish, restore and reset yourself.


You’ll be guided through a relaxing meditation and breathing sequence to find stillness within. Gentle prompts will support you to express an intuitive art image using materials of your choice. This is a process of surrendering to all that wants to emerge from within you. It doesn’t matter what your art looks like, or how skilled you are, what matters is what your soul wants to express and the feeling of creative freedom, playfulness and release. You’ll be accompanied by a curated soundscape of peace, ease and nourishment as you take this exquisite time to slow down, breathe, reconnect with and express yourself. 


To take part in the session, you’ll need:

A quiet space where you won’t be disturbed for 90 minutes

Any 2D art materials such as paper, paint, crayons, chalks or felt-tip pens

A curious, playful, and open heart <3


I believe that everyone has the ability to express themselves creatively, even though you might not call yourself an artist. Inclusivity is my core value, and these workshops are designed for you to comfortably and safely express yourself, whilst enjoying this nourishing time for YOU!  


About the Facilitator

Hello :) I’m Zaira, and I’m a trainee Integrative Arts Psychotherapist, Creative Well-being Coach & Facilitator, and Energy Healer. 

I honour the values of love, wellbeing, inclusion, equity, creativity, community, life-long-learning, and service. I’ve spent the last five years coaching, designing and facilitating creative spaces that ignite self-awareness and wellbeing, interpersonal learning and collective leadership to create a more equitable world. My style of holding space, and facilitating is creative, playful, embodied and intuitive - because that is who I am.

My healing practices support those who are feeling stuck in multiple areas of life. I guide them to listen to the wisdom of their intuition, body and heart intelligence, and cultivate a deeper relationship with the highest, most loving, creative, courageous, driven, and abundant version of themselves. 



Select tickets

This event started over 1 year ago

Low Income £7
Standard £12

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