Shakti Business - Sacred Sales & Marketing Course

business coaching marketing course sacred sales spiritual business story led marketing conscious business coaches creatives healers
Hosted by Sacred Life Path
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A 7 week in person & online marketing course for coaches, creatives & healers to hone your sacred sales skills and get comfortable taking up space.

Craft a heart connecting brand story & feel regulated while being seen on social so you can soulfully share your services inline with your energy.


Unleash Your Sacred Offerings and Embody Your Divine Purpose in Business & Beyond


This transformational business journey is for coaches, creatives and healers who shy away from being seen and are ready to use story led marketing to attract abundance.

It’s for those who have a deep desire to connect with people on a soul level so you can sell your soul services in alignment with your natural flow of energy? 

Inspired by the book Shakti Leadership I have designed a 7 week in person container to guide you in awakening the power of Shakti within your conscious business.

When you invite Shakti into your life magic happens, boundaries are formed, structure becomes second nature and your creative energy is celebrated, supported and channeled into unique offerings and opportunities for abundance.  


The Offering


6 in person and online 3hr Mentoring Sessions in Frome - Somerset

+ 7 2hr Online Co-working Calls on Zoom




Lesson 1

Shakti Business Attunement

Meet the Shakti Spirit of your business, your quantum co-founder and confidence coach who will guide you gently to hone your sacred offerings and step into your next level of soul service.


Lesson 2

Energy Marketing Alignment

Align your personal energy levels with your marketing output, explore your business boundaries, set nervous system led sales goals and become part of the less hustle more heart marketing club.


Lesson 3

Sacred Sales School

Take the ick out of sales, find your flow with asking for money, pricing your services and writing story led non sleazy sales copy while learning how to set up the tech that gets you paid instantly.


Lesson 4

Style Your Shop Window

Come up with a cohesive and eye-catching aesthetic and simple posting strategy for social media using your brand style to energetically attract the people ready to work with you.


Lesson 5

Full Body Yes Marketing

Templates, copy hacks and content planning systems to give you more time, inspire your creative side and help you stay consistent on social with cringe free content that converts into sales.


Lesson 6

Conscious Content Creation

Live in the moment, content creating session to help you get eyes on your business and come up with 3 months worth of marketing content that will soulfully sell your services and stand out from the crowd.



Bonus Content

Plus all this extra which adds up to a cool £1555



The Shakti (In Person) Journey


During our in person journey at The Mycelium Space in Frome, you will explore the depths of your being to unleash your unique brand story and craft a connecting narrative that resonates with your ideal clients, piques their curiosity and magnetises them towards you.

You will learn how to embrace vulnerability and get comfortable with being seen on social platforms while harnessing their power to amplify your voice and share your message with the world.

But Shakti is not just about external visibility. It is about tending to your inner landscape and nurturing your nervous system, this is why we’ll be working with the sacred medicine of Cacao and other plant and mineral allies to support our journey.

Weaving in feminine business energetics, you will be guided to honour your natural rhythms and cycles. No more pushing, no more hustle. Instead, you'll cultivate a deep sense of embodied flow, trusting in the divine timing of your offerings.

All this in a super nurturing support group of 6 conscious business creators just like you, infinite possibilities await you!


The Shakti (Online) Journey


(All calls will be recorded and stored in our Shakti Business Library)


If your not local to Frome in Somerset then you have the option to join online and experience all of the Shakti magic for half the price.

You will be invited to join the 3hr live lectures and coaching sessions via Zoom on Wednesday from 10am - 1pm and we will all meet online every Friday at 10 am for a community co-working call which will give you an opportunity to get your todo list ticked off!

You will also be posted a special onboarding pack which will include ceremonial cacao and other Shakti Business tools.



Unleash the power of Shakti within you?


Join me in person or online for the very first Shakti Business Portal to embody your authentic power, hone your sacred offerings, cultivate unshakable confidence and dream your big business vision into reality.


Who Is This For


🔱 This radically different conscious business mentoring program is for change makers, quantum activists and New Earth guardians to support you in sacredly selling your services and calling in aligned opportunities.


🔱 Whether you’re a solopreneur starting out or a seasoned business owner looking to expand, this program offers tailored mentorship and hands on technical marketing guidance to take your business to the next level.


🔱 We will provide you with a supportive community of conscious business leaders to connect with, while learning and growing together using our Shakti Business principles, intuition and feminine energetics.


🔱 If you're looking for a 10 step program to help you make your first 6 figures this is not it, this is a slow nervous system led, intuitive way of embracing your authenticity so you can get paid for being YOU.


Frequently Asked Questions


❓ Who can sign up? 

All genders are welcome to sign up to this program

❓ Where & when will the lessons be held?

We are holding the in person sessions every Wednesday from 10am - 1pm at The Mycelium Space meeting room in Frome.

❓ Do you offer payment plans?

Yes you can pay in the full investment over two moths, lease mail to request a payment plan.

❓What stage of business do I need to be at to join?

You will need to have some knowledge of business and have a good idea of what you would like to put out in the world. Or perhaps your business is already set up with branding and a website and your looking for that extra marketing support, community connection and accountability.

❓What happens if I join online?

You will be part of the live lectures on Zoom on Wednesdays at 10am. You will also be invited to join the 2hr Online Coworking session every Friday at 10am 🙌

❓ How will I access the information?

All the course info and recording of the lectures will be hosted on my Squarespace Course Platform.

❓Do you offer refunds?

I do not offer refunds unless required by UK law, if you have any doubts about the course please book a discovery call.

❓ How will I stay connected with people in the group?

You will be added to a private Shakti Business Whatsapp group for cheering each other on and checking in.

I’m proud to be partnering with the Mycelium Space, a community co-working & events space in Frome, to bring you Shakti Business your alternative marketing mentorship and business baby Douler.


Enrolment is now open! Only 5 out of 6 in person spaces available and 5 out of 6 online spaces available.

Claim your spot on this transformational journey now.


Select tickets

Online Investment £444
This investment will grant you access to all the live online lectures and mentoring sessions plus the online co-working calls and Brand Alchemy Course.
Inperson Investment £888
This investment will grant you access to all the in person lectures and mentoring sessions at The Mycelium Space plus the online co-working calls and Brand Alchemy Course.
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