Church For Earth London - Community Earth Mass

Hosted by Church for Earth
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Church for Earth - London - Community Earth Mass

Remembrance. Reconnection. Reverance.

Come join us for a special Community Earth Mass at Hampstead Heath!

Earth Mass is intended as a place to come together at the heart of community, to remember and reconnect with what it means to be human, on earth, at this time.

We hope to create a simple, beautiful and powerful space for us to collectively come into greater reverence of our planet, to remember that we are the earth, and to feel ourselves intimately connected with ourselves, each other and all living things.

Our hope is that Earth Mass is a place for our hearts to be stirred, our love for earth awakened, our hope for the world and our trust in our own humanity rekindled.


Poetry, Inspirational Story, Exterstential Enquiry, Prayer, Movement, Nature Connection, Group Connection, Song, Meditation, Collective Communion.


Earth Mass will be held with the support of some of the following elements. Each Earth Mass is a unique process of creation between those who are creating this, bringing different elements and gifts together to support the creative process..


We will be offering Earth Mass with some of the following elements::


Oratory - We feel the living word is key to Church for Earth and the rousing of our collective heart. We welcome poetry, spoken word, story, bardcraft, song.


Inspirational Story - We encourage in each Earth Mass the invitation of someone with deep connection with Earth and being in service to Earth in a particular way to share their story of this.


Existential Enquiry - We support individual and group reflection on what it means to be human, on earth, in our cosmos, at this time, with one another and ourselves.


Movement and Embodiment - We support connection with our bodies, and the recognition of our bodies as part of the wider body of our earth through movement and embodiment exercises. We have created a number of rituals and embodiment pieces to support specifically with this.


Meditation - We use meditation as a powerful tool to connect us deeply with ourselves, our bodies, and earth. We have also created a number of meditations that you are free to use to support you in this.


Nature Connection - We actively encourage a period of connection with the natural world, before, during or after an Earth Mass, to support us to deepen our seeing, feeling, sensing, and reverance of Earth and ourselves as part of it.


Group Connection - Earth Mass is less a ritual held ‘by people’, as a collective of people supporting community connection. We use connection games and exercises to support people to drop more deeply into a space of ease, play, soul, cohesion together.


Song and Prayer - Song and prayer are a great way of working with our bodies to connect us with all life, supporting our bodies to vibrate, come alive, and come into connection with the whole.


Communing as Earth - A beautiful tradition we have introduced to Earth Mass is eating together communally at the end, with people bringing earth (food offerings) to make up our collective altar. We break bread in communion with the earth, and the earth of our bodies


Earth Mass is a free to all, and we also welcome donations for our work.


Each Earth Mass altar is a collective community creation. For this specific Earth Mass, we ask that you bring:

  • leaf from the borough where you live,
  • an item or items of food (preferably organic) to add to the altar. We eat together collectively at the end of each Earth Mass.
  • Anything else you wish to bring for the alter to help bind us together as a community.


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