Full Moon in Scorpio Ceremony with Yoga & Sound at Soma Home

sound yoga circle ceremony and ritual guided meditation somatic soundjourney fullmoon yoganidra
Hosted by Rose Leah Saltiel, Astro Yoga Soul
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Join me for an evening of embodied practice, followed by a cosmic Sound journey into outer space with a Shamanic Nidra guided meditation & energy healing, curated to support you to shift any blocks and clear ancestral patterns.

The Full Moon in Scorpio is a chance in the wheel of the year for us to shed any residue from the past solar years cycle preventing us from coming into full bloom. It is a time for deep reflection and transformation as we move into Taurus season and, in the Northern Hemisphere, start really seeing some of our desires and dreams come into being. This is a powerful time to shed some old skins and really surrender to the new cycle as we embed ourselves so we can grow in the earthy season of Taurus.

We will start off with oracle card pulls and sharing, followed by flow to yin / restorative practice, Yoga Nidra /guided visualisation and Sound Journey, with time at the end for some sharing and journaling.

Teas will be provided!

About your host:

I am a passionate & experienced Astrologer, tarot reader, Yoga teacher, Yoga therapist and sound facilitator with over 7 years experience teaching and multiple trainings under my belt.

My journey with my own spiritual and wellness practice over the past two decades has led me to combine Psychoanalytic Theory, Somatics, Yoga, Meditation and Sound Healing with Astrology & Tarot in my work. In line with the seasons and lunar cycles, I offer bespoke practices designed to cultivate deeper connection with self through uniting body, mind & spirit.

Intentionally curated, inspired by Psycho-social, transpersonal, classical and Jungian psychoanalysis and Somatic theory, my classes aim to create space in the mind & body by transmuting stuck energy through ritual, movement & meditation; initiating transformation within & without by bringing the shadows to light and creating greater awareness of our place in wider social contexts.

I am trained in various Eastern & Western healing modalities that I weave into my teachings including a Masters in Psychoanalysis and Society; training in Somatic Trauma Therapy; energy work; Traditional and Modern Yoga & Meditation styles (including Yoga Nidra); & Sound Healing. My Yoga classes fuse different styles and range from uplifting, dynamic & energising to nourishing, restorative & restful.

Astrology & Tarot can give a voice to energies we aren’t able to see clearly within and without. Astrology is often described as “the language of the universe” - Tarot (and other types of card pulling) is a tangible conduit, using archetypal imagery that speaks to our unconscious. Our energetic, emotional blocks show up in our charts and our card pulls. With awareness we can create shifts in our lives, transcending these blocks.

Sound clears our energy field and realigns our bodies at a cellular level. I use Sound in Yoga classes, Guided Meditation and Yoga Nidra sessions to complement the transformative, restorative & healing element. The vibrations of sound can be felt at a cellular level in the body & can reset the nervous system, rewiring patterns in the brain. It is a passive way to clear your energy and create healing on a deep level, clearing ancestral patterns.


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This event started 7 days ago

General Admission £33
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