The Journal Circle: May Eve

creativity writing self expression journaling reflection creative writing connection journal
Hosted by Connection Jam
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Write, share, connect! Reflective journal prompts and creative intention-setting in a cosy space.

May Eve is the height of Spring, and marks the transition into early Summer. Before the festivities of May Day itself, spend some time reflecting on how the first third of your year has gone - and what the rest of it might hold! As we approach the warmth and light of the Summer season, what is it you're hoping to cultivate? Join us in The Journal Circle to celebrate the reemergence of life, as we dance with words on the page and out loud. Let's tie some positive intentions to our maypoles! 

This is an online workshop held on Google Meet - a link to the room will be in your confirmation email.

“beautiful space holding, grounding and anxiety dispelling. Thank you!”

Together, we’ll write bravely to reflect on and understand our experiences more clearly. Then, we'll look ahead and imagine our future! These are the strengths of creative and reflective writing – powerful tools that can help us shape our lives. Our words and stories being heard and witnessed by others is powerful, too – so join us to express your unique voice on the page, and in a group. You are warmly welcome in The Journal Circle, exactly as you are.

"a revelation, as always. Dan's workshops should be an essential mental health service"

You can expect:

  • Grounding and regulation through breathing and meditative exercises
  • Stimulating journaling and creative prompts
  • Time to free write
  • A safe space to share your journey with others (always totally optional!)

Who is this for?

  • People new to journaling and wanting to try it out
  • Regular journallers who want fresh prompts
  • Those who want to create a regular journaling practice
  • Blocked writers wanting to get words on the page
  • Anyone looking for a supportive group to share life experiences

“the provocations to undo the valve to let words flow out of me… enormously rewarding”

If you would like to attend but the ticket price is out of your reach, please message

Your Facilitator

Dan Simpson (he/they) 

A writer, facilitator, and coach who is passionate about the power of language and words. As a poet and spoken word artist, he has been in-residence at Imperial College London, the National Memorial Arboretum, and Glastonbury Festival; he delivers creative writing and professional development workshops in schools and organisations; and he is regularly commissioned to make work that is engaging, thoughtful, and responsive on a variety of subjects including science and culture, history and place, wellbeing and personal experience.

He organises and facilitates monthly social Connection Jam and seasonal reflective writing club The Journal Circle; holds space at ecstatic dances and on retreats; and mentors people in the creative industries. He has a qualification in Counselling Skills and is trained in Authentic Relating, and has participated in tantra and men's work. With a decade of professional facilitation experience, he designs imaginative and reflective experiences that encourage participants to express themselves authentically, creatively, and in heart-led ways.

Select tickets

This event started 14 days ago

Supporter £15
For those with wealth or a high income to cover the costs of bursary places. Thank you!
Standard £12
Subsidised £9
eg. student / unwaged / earning less than £20k p/a
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