4.7/5 from 156 ratings
Sat 16th Oct 2021, 1:30am
Fri 15th Oct 2021, 12:40pm

Amazing course! So grateful for all the work that has been put into these lectures. I could imagine a longer or ongoing course where we go deeper into each of the topics. Looking forward to implementing the knowledge acquired over the course. Thank you.

Fri 15th Oct 2021, 12:25pm
Thu 14th Oct 2021, 4:46pm

The syllabus was great. The hands-on exercises were also great. We covered a ton of content in a very short time.

Thu 14th Oct 2021, 2:02pm
Thu 14th Oct 2021, 1:11pm

An interactive tour on the DAOhaus platform with a good basic grounding in the wider realm of how distributed groups are working with smart contracts, legal structures and (most of all) with each other. The co-operative focus on care and mutual support provides relief from a sector that can be stifling in the drive for individualistic profit-extraction.

Thu 14th Oct 2021, 11:46am

Thanks Stephen for another awesome course!

Thu 14th Oct 2021, 11:30am
Thu 14th Oct 2021, 11:28am
Thu 14th Oct 2021, 9:16am

Great material, speakers, and evolving overview of the emergence of DAOs. Highly recommended!