Curly Imagines : The DREAMSTORM

kids puppet show magic family
Hosted by Curly Imagines
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Greeting Family's,

It is our incomprehensible JOY to invite you to an hour of laughter, magic tricks and pure imagination. 

Come with me (Curly) as we enter a DreamStorm in search of really big ideas! 

All ages are welcome, but young children (under 3) must be supervised at all times. 

We are now offering this show by Donation. Previously tickets were £10 (Adult / £5 Child - but if you can't afford that, pay what you can)

See you soon!

Oooobie Dooooo!

Curly & GobTwoddle 


Alexander Perrelet as Curly 

Alice Boydell as GobTwoddle.

Select tickets

This event started about 2 years ago

By Donation
By Donation
Suggested - Adult £10 / Child £5 (but pay what you can afford)
Thanks for your generous support. The show has cost us about £400 to produce so far.

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