Psychedelic Breathwork: Freedom or Fear: Reclaiming Choice with Anthony Abbagnano & Amy Rachelle

breathwork embodied wellbeing embodiment healing and wellbeing embodiment
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Psychedelic Breathwork
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"This was amazing, healing, transcendent experience, a must for all higher consciousness seekers" - Alison C

Do you have...

Fear of Empowerment?

Do you experience visions of possibilities that you discount and discard?  Such as:

"oh no that's not for me... "


"no way am I good enough for that..."?

"that's too big and impossible for me..."

When we don't take opportunities to break out of staying small, we unconsciously choose pain over our potential, and sacrifice the dreams we hold most true.

We all have a tender edge.  Creativity means moving towards it - and even crossing it, if we're serious about breaking through our own limitations, and realizing our dreams, even if that looks different in these times.

Noticing the 'call' to move forward is the first step, and many of us do take the risk. But that's often when we hear the voice in our head that says:

"you'll never manage it"...


"don't make a fool of yourself!"


"who do you think you are"

How can we answer that voice? How can we move past the reluctance and resistance into the raw power that we naturally are?

It's said that being born is a 35,000,000,000 to one shot. And all of us here, we made it!

So what's with the mechanism that undermines this enormous capability that we have as human beings to soar to our highest dreams?

Why is it that we see people who do it seemingly 'effortlessly' and yet when it corms to us... well, those voices win the argument?

Courage is a keyword here. How do we develop courage?

The word itself is actually the combo of two words in Italian - cuore, and agio.

Cuore = Heart

Agio = Ease

So what does it take for my heart to be at ease - instead of scared - at the idea of making my dreams come true, so I can be empowered, and the conscious creator of my life?

Where does our courage lie? Certainly not outside of us! It's an inside job, and if you are interested to break free of chains that you have accepted as normal, then this workshop is for you!

From this course, take away how to: 

- sharpen your intuition 

- look for the hidden signs of your own strength and resilience - that are already inside you! 

- reveal what holds you back - and the hidden key to release it

- makes friends with realizing your potential and possibilities 

- benefit from developing a practice that will help you to break free for life

Join Anthony and Amy as they hold the tenderest of space to dive deep into our own delicate selves, and as we support each other with this empowering inquiry. 

There will be a full-length breath session that will help us to embody all that we uncover and discover, and to integrate it transformation we wish to make. 

Be prepared to grasp this powerful tool of creation. Breaking free and move forward no matter what has held your back before. 

We're looking forward to being with you again. 


About Anthony and Amy

Anthony and Amy met one sunny afternoon in 2010, next to the sea where they both lived at the time - in Bali.

The first time Amy saw Anthony it was love. Though not the kind of romantic love you may envision. It was compelling curiosity that magnetized her.  To what she didn’t know - all she knew it was such a strong, interesting, and intriguing feeling, she wanted to know more.

Anthony was in a period of deep personal contemplation and practice then, having spent years in India and Bali - meditating, doing yoga, playing music, and living carefree. This was long before the birth of Alchemy of Breath, and ASHA (Alchemy School of Healing Arts).  

A long-time naturopath and healer, Anthony became Amy’s client for the first year of their relationship. Having shared profound healing intimacy, after a period of working together in a client/facilitator relationship, they became the best of friends for the next 4 years.  At that point, both single, their relationship took a turn they didn’t expect - that eventually lead to marriage.  They’ve been together as a couple almost 8 years now, and grow closer by the day, in admiration, love, laughter, healing, business, building community, fun, and play.

They co-founded The Ark together in Bali in 2015, and then ASHA (Alchemy School of Healing Arts) in 2020.  Their mission is simple. To share their love, wonder, and appreciation with humanity, and to uplift people and planet - by doing what they do best:  bringing people together, loving, and celebrating life - supporting a give-back culture that nourishes itself practically, spiritually, and economically.

They’ve mainly taught on their own platforms over the years separately, and are now enjoying working together more and more as a mainstay, as its their favorite way to work - and play.

They now live in Castel’Azzara, Italy - the home of ASHA, where they invite like-minded proactive people of peace to join them on a joint mission of creating a new culture and community for living a holistic live now, and for passing on to future generations.

Feedback from Previous Events:

★★★★★ "Deeply hypnotizing and amazing. I dissolved into nothing and then came back updated. Loved every bit of it  - Naji

★★★★★ "It was the first time for me love the experience with a group that guided with the incredible Anthony,it softens my heart and that was a big message for me." - Maja

★★★★★ "This work is so powerful for me. The gift of discovering my breath is beyond words. Anthony is such a gentle, clean leader and is able to lead people deep, deep, deep. I have used psychedelics including plant medicines and while I have great respect for them, I find the breath to be my greatest teacher. Thanks for offering it up, and especially at a price so many of us can afford. - Joan

"It is one of those experiences you cannot find words for. I have now been twice and will continue my journey. It has been on par with my Mushroom and Aya times that I have gone through albeit with the element of time and control difference. Namaste all. thanks you" -  Jennifer Bensaidane

"This was amazing, healing, transcendent experience, a must for all higher consciousness seekers x" - Alison C

"It was pretty brilliant for me, connected to other substance based head states, witnessed some nice things." - Marc

"The best workshop i have ever been to. It was something totally new to me and i felt completely safe and looked after. Thank you Anthony for the wonderful experience. I definitely healed some deep corners of my soul. Thank you Psychedelic Society for organization and a warm welcome. Love to all, Nina" - Nina D


To join this event you’ll need to create a free zoom account which you can set up here:  
Instructions on how to join the call will be included in your confirmation email  

Please note this is a live event, so please arrive on time as recordings are not available. 

7 easy steps to get the most out of your experience:

  1. Download a copy of Zoom ( to your laptop or smartphone.
  2. Watch this tutorial on the conscious connected breath pattern we will use in class:
  3. Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. (You will want to lie down for the actual session and a blanket and cushion may help make you more comfortable).
  4. Check you have a solid internet connection in order to get the best out of the experience. Use a good quality set of headphones or speakers to make sure you can hear the webinar.
  5. Don’t eat heavily before our meeting.
  6. Have some paper and a pen, or crayons beside you. Many people like to record memories of their experience either with words or pictures.
  7. Think about an intention for your session, what is holding you back in life? Then be ready to let it go.


🌟PLEASE NOTE:  Alchemy of Breath is not a medical practice and facilitators are not medically trained.  If you suffer from any serious condition you should check with your medical practitioner prior to breathing with us. The breath style we use is not advised for conditions such as Bipolar, Schizophrenia, acute heart conditions, epilepsy or delicate pregnancy. Likewise, if you are on any medications you are advised to seek medical counsel prior to joining us. 

If you do have any of the above conditions, please let us know. There are other breath patterns that may be more suitable for you, and you are always welcome in our community. 

Also it is imperative that you do not drive, operate heavy machinery, work with sharp objects or partake in any other potentially hazardous activities until you feel fully grounded. This may take some time so please plan accordingly.

Finally, please note that we record our live events but we do not record the participants, only the facilitator. We value your privacy and your image will not be captured nor identity revealed.


REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

For PSYCHEDELIC KNOWLEDGE AND RESOURCES please check out the Psychedelic Society website

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