Seeing That Frees by Rob Burbea

Chapter 31: An Empowerment of Views

The Inadequacy of Fixed Views

In examining the nature of reality, Rob Burbea stresses that all perspectives remain relative views, subject to the fabrications of the mind. Even though we employ various lenses to understand appearances, we must avoid treating any single view as the ultimate representation of truth. Rather than being rigid, insight into the concept of emptiness (śūnyatā) should lead to flexibility in perception and deepen our understanding, thus liberating our entire existence. He argues that clinging to emptiness itself or to conventional appearances can both impede liberation. Additionally, incomplete conceptions of emptiness, which do not challenge our deep-rooted beliefs about the world, often fail to bring about true freedom.

The Misconceptions of Emptiness

Burbea delves into common misconceptions about the nature of emptiness (śūnyatā), clarifying what it does not imply. It isn't a rejection of language, logic, or the role of concepts, as these are essential tools for revealing the flawed assumptions we hold. Rather, it is the deep-set habitual beliefs that form the primary target of the emptiness teachings. He explains that the crux of delusion is woven into our basic perceptions, even without the presence of thought. Burbea also stresses that equating emptiness with impermanence or identifying it solely with traditionally 'spiritual' notions limits the potential of śūnyatā teachings.

The Persistence of Clinging

Elaborating on the reasons one might regard conventional appearances as real, Burbea notes that respect for ethics and fear of nihilism have historically influenced the communication of emptiness teachings. This has sometimes led to emphases that inadvertently solidify conventional reality. He discusses how the language surrounding emptiness can create unhelpful distinctions between phenomena and their inherent existence. These distinctions potentially leave unchallenged our core notions of existence, impeding liberation.

The Inseparability of Conventional and Ultimate Reality

According to Burbea, a mature meditation practice involving extensive exploration of fabrication reveals appearances as being inherently empty. Traditional concerns about ethical conduct do not arise when the approach to insight focuses on understanding the role of the mind's qualities in shaping appearances. Furthermore, scientific inquiry reaffirms that deeper probing into reality reveals not fixed truths but relational dependencies and emptiness.

The Validity of Conventional Reality

The debate surrounding the "object of negation" in emptiness reveals a shift from attempts to rigidly define conventional truth to recognizing the elasticity of perception. Burbea suggests that rather than fixating on defining what exists at a conventional level, what's important is the liberating impact of realizing the ultimate nature of phenomena. In practice, we can shape perception in the service of freedom and compassion. Insight allows us to recognize our fundamental role in the interplay of appearances, prompting an attitude of reverence and love for the empty yet wondrous nature of existence.

In summarizing this chapter, it's evident that Rob Burbea is advocating for an approach to understanding reality that transcends fixed views, encourages flexibility, and ultimately leads to greater freedom. Through a deeper exploration of emptiness and dependent arising, one gains liberating insights that are not restricted by conventionally held notions of phenomena or the craft of language and thought.